Travel: Panama & Costa Rica Day 11: Hummingbird Cafe

Travel: Panama & Costa Rica Day 11: Hummingbird Cafe

While we were touring Selvatura, I talked about the hummingbirds of the area with our tour guide Roy. He told me about a hummingbird café outside of the entrance of Monteverde Biological Reserve. It is free to enter and they have hummingbird feeders. He said he could talk with our driver to arrange for him to swing by before we went to our hotel. Our Spanish skills and our driver's English skills were mutually not good enough for us to work this out without a translator.

We spent a joyous 20 minutes at the café just observing and photographing the hummingbirds. Here is who we found!

This poor little guy suffered some beak damage, likely from a window collision ☹️ Hopefully the feeders help him to survive. Its important to add decals* to windows to help prevent bird strikes. He appears to be a Green-Crowned Brilliant.
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